Tag Archives: Theodor Leschetizky

Studien, Beiträge und Materialien zur Leschetizky-Forschung

Leschetizky book

The series Studien, Beiträge und Materialien zur Leschetizky-Forschung was launched by Musikverlag Burkhard Muth in 2011 with Theodor Leschetizky by Annette Hullah, in a German translation from the original English (London: J. Lane, 1906).

This volume is particularly suitable as the beginning of the series, since—in addition to presenting a contemporaneous, authentic text—it provides an ideal introduction for those who know little or nothing about the pianist, composer, and teacher.

The first two chapters are devoted to Leschetizky’s biography; the remaining chapters explore his approach to teaching. Information on newly published editions of his piano works is also included.

Below, Leschetizky plays one of his own compositions via piano roll.

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Filed under New series, Romantic era